
Archive for August, 2009

Fixes for Gallery 2 French translation in module ‘core’

August 29, 2009 Leave a comment

After years using G2, I finally fixed the fr.po for core module and submitted it to latest registered French translator of Gallery2 several weeks again. After review, he encoded the following tracker on for everybody to benefit from it, even if no G2 update is ever published again:

As G2 is using gettext, updating it it fairly easy.


Enhance your usage of Firefox

When installing Ubuntu on one of the new machines we get from time to time, there’s a common mechanism I repeat over and over with Firefox:

  1. install the Firebug extension
  2. install the Web Developer extension
  3. install the ShowIP extension
  4. install the GooglePreview extension
  5. change the link of the start bar icon to start Firefox, to “firefox -no-remote -ProfileManager %u” instead of “firefox %u”

The latest option allows you to launch Firefox using different profiles, each of them having its own extensions. This allows you to have a slower but fully equipped Firefox on one side and a faster but bare Firefox on the other side. If you installed all the extensions I have mentioned  (and maybe more), you might want to get another one for faster or cleaner demos. There you go, your second profile can be called “demos”.

Oh, and you might want to change the look of your Firefox a little bit with the Persona extension. That’s quickly boring as well, and it doesn’t help usability much, but still, considering your browser is the tool you probably use most as a web developer…

Too busy

August 26, 2009 2 comments

I don’t know what’s happened but August was supposed to be a quiet month and then all of a sudden dozens of work requests appeared and we have been completely drowned with work. The good news in all that is that a lot of new features are coming out for the benefit of all in Dokeos, but I’m not sure I can sustain the rhythm of 4 hours night sleep for much longer…

We’ve also been working a lot with Mercurial the last few weeks and, although the system is very flexible, it has pretty much become our nightmare to work with it, mostly because of poor implementation of the Eclipse – Mercurial plugin, which has proven… not buggy, but *very* unintuitive (we were doing pretty well with Subversion before). As a team of 10, having to spend 10% of our time resolving unsubmitable commits is just a pain in the *** and makes us loose a lot of time and efficiency. This being said, we have decided to go for the terminal way (like command-line, not suicidal) for now to avoid the upsetting plugin.

We now have a central public repository, private client development repositories, and a private “pro and medical” versions repository, that we use to develop customized versions of Dokeos for specific activity sectors.

I am also *trying* to improve what the Dokeos internal network can do for you, as there is a lot of space for improvement there right now.

There are a lot of free software conferences planned for the end of the year (where I have my own lorry space) and I have been invited to Edutic in Chile on the 23rd of September (invitation to Dominican Republic was abandonned for crisis reasons).

Categories: English, Organisation Tags: , ,

Taller de Actualización: Cómo crear, implementar y administrar Dokeos

Taller de Dokeos en la Cámara de Comercio de Lima

Taller de Dokeos en la Cámara de Comercio de Lima

Creación de cursos virtuales, capacitación a distancia, plataforma de e-learning, son tantos términos que nos hacen pensar en dificultad de aprendizaje de nuevas herramientas, y en una inversión grande para llegar a un resultado mal evaluable.

En respuesta a las necesidades de los profesionales de distintas ramas laborales y a las necesidades de muchas empresas que desean ampliar su mercado y automatizar sus recursos, nació la idea de presentar el taller internacional: “Cómo crear, implementar y administrar cursos virtuales”.

Los invitamos a participar a esta experiencia que constituye una atractiva oportunidad de desarrollo de sus competencias, así como llevar a su organización al éxito esperado.

¿Cuando? -> Viernes 28 de Agosto del 2009

¿Donde? -> Cámara de Comercio de Lima – Av. Giuseppe Garibaldi Nº 396 – Jesús María

¿Que incluye? ->

  • Acceso por un mes al portal Dokeos PRO ( Valorizada en US$/1500.00 )
  • Material del taller
  • Certificado de asistencia
  • Coffe Break
  • Se sortearan Souvenirs de Dokeos

Inscripción, Programa, Ponente, Costos, Forma de Pago Ingresar : Aquí

Easily avoid using your password in an SSH connexion: ssh-copy-id

On Linux systems, there used to be a mildly complicated but tedious way to allow you to SSH another computer using your public key, which involved finding and copying your public key on the other host, then connecting to the host and putting this key into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Now there is a much simpler way to do that… Just launch the following command (with your own data), enter your password, and that’s it!


I love administrative simplification!

Categories: English, Tech Crunch Tags: , ,

¿Te perdiste el Dokeos Users Days ?

Si no pudiste asistir al primer evento de e-learning en el Perú Dokeos Users Days, pues ya tienes disponible en nuestro canal de youtube Los videos de aquel evento.

Categories: eventos, OLPC, otros, proyectos, Spanish Tags:

Dokeos y Bryan

August 11, 2009 1 comment

Bueno, soy BRYAN practicante de DOKEOS LATINOAMERICA, empezé el día lunes 10 de agosto,el clima que se vive en ella es muy agradable, te permite desarrollar profesionalmente, hay un gran apoyo entre todos los integrantes y un excelente espacio de trabajo; en corto tiempo que estoy me he dado cuenta de que los estudios universitarios deben ir de la mano con la práctica, y bueno en DOKEOS LATINOAMERICA he visto un buen espacio para desarrollarse profesionalmente, ya que hay muchos proyectos que se desarrollan allí.

Dokeos on IRC

August 10, 2009 1 comment

I have been moderating the IRC channel of dokeos for some time now, but it would be nice to have a few people there to share the channel with me. So if you want to connect, we’re the #dokeos channel on

Categories: Development, English Tags:

Propondremos soluciones NAS dentro de poco

Uno de nuestros proyectos con BeezNest Belgium es de mejorar una herramienta de gestión de NAS (Network Attached Storage) de software libre, para proponer servicios de implementación de NAS.

El resultado? La posibilidad para todos tipos de empresas de tener acceso a espacios de almacenamiento de datos locales enormes (20,000 GB, 50,000 GB) y de alta calidad a costos muy debajo de los del mercado.

Categories: English, proyectos Tags: ,

Users’ mail: configuring SMTP account to send mails with Dokeos

A question that often comes around is “Sending e-mails with Dokeos don’t work! How do I fix that?”

This is generally due to the fact that e-mails are supposed to be sent from the server where Dokeos is hosted. However, if e-mail sending is unavailable, or if you want to configure your own account, have a look at main/inc/lib/mail.conf.php and update the settings to tell it to use ‘smtp’ and then give it your account details (like, your login and your account for example).

Beware that, if it is used to sent massive e-mails, then your account might be suspended for some time by your e-mail provider.

Categories: Development, English Tags: , , ,